翻開Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work的內頁,上面寫著這本書是2003年所購買,讀了幾頁之後,便放在書架上,直到去年才有機會再次拿起來閱讀,前後大約花了3個月的時間,終於從頭到尾把它讀完,由於是英文書,許多地方看過之後,雖然查了生字,但還是沒有把握是否真懂作者的意思,也沒有中譯本可以對照,所以帶著溫故知新的想法,今年,再次從頭閱讀,並試著寫下摘要.
Anyone who wants to understand Luther must therefore come to terms with the substance of his preaching and teaching.(P.18)
His theological insights were always of existential significance for his own personal life.(P.19)
Anyone attempting to write a biography of Luther must do more than carefully describe the details of his life in the context of the political and cultural history of the time.(P.20)
Luther's spiritual temptations(Anfechtung) focus on the question of the worthiness of people before God,that is, on the question, How can I find a merciful God?(P.23)