2010年3月30日 星期二
Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -7
Harnack was the first to demonstrate the meaning of this concept, which was so central to The Bondage of the Will.(P.221)
Holl was the first to combine historical and systematic perspectives in his study of Luther.(P.224)
We experience both this absolute demand and our own inadequacy in our conscience. This is the place where we meet God. This experience of God's ethical demand and our own failure to meet that demand is the basis on which we experience the judging and the gracious God.(P.225)
2010年3月21日 星期日
2010年3月20日 星期六
Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -6
any study of Luther's doctrine must take into account the development of his viewpoints.(P.190)
God is revealed through self-veiling..,we need faith to recognize God's revelation as it is concealed in the events of history.(P.194)
The category of "hiddenness" is thus extraordinarily important, both in Luther's theology of the cross and in his view of history. God creates life by putting us to death. When judging us, God is being gracious to us.(P.196)
Revelation and hiddenness are available only as a dialectical unity. Only in Jesus Christ do we encounter God as our savior.(P.196)
history ultimately summons everyone to believe. We are repeatedly tested as to whether we really want to hear God's Word or not,,.Each person therefore, is summoned to meet the spiritual temptations that come to us through our experience of history with firm trust in God.(P.197)..,Until the very end, the devil will never give up struggling against the light..,For after all..,it was, is, and will be he who says,"I am with you always, to the close of the age".(P.198)
2010年3月13日 星期六
Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -5
"Take Christ out of the Scripture, and what will you find left in them?" This led Luther directly to the conclusion that Scripture interprets itself.(P.156)
The distinction between law and gospel is one of the most important themes in Luther's theology.(P.158)
Luther thought of God as always active...,God acts in a hidden way,,,.It teaches us to rely on God.(P.168)
The wrath of God is,,,.the power of God at work in life..,We need to flee from this wrath to the love of God..in Christ. God's revelation in Jesus Christ breaks through the power of God's wrath.(P.171)
2010年3月10日 星期三
2010年3月9日 星期二
Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -4
The category "spirit"..,refer to the way in which God is hidden fromus..,the category of the "letter" refers both to human autonomy and to the wrath of God..,the spirit is hidden in the letter.(P.146)
God's grace is always present as the hidden reality under his judgment.(P.147)
we are sinful,,.because we are self-centered and seek our own welfare. this is most true when we seek to become right with God by doing good works rather than trusting in God.(P.147)
2010年3月8日 星期一
卡片寫4天 腦麻兒打動總統夫人~令人動容的報導背後
一則標題為~卡片寫4天 腦麻兒打動總統夫人~的報導背後,隱藏了許多家有身心障礙兒,不為人知的心路歷程,也凸顯出社會對於身心障礙者仍存在著許多不友善的地方,在價值觀念上,不時的以異樣眼光對待,看不見其個別獨特的生命價值,更甚者,以所謂前世今生的因果關係來鞭打,刺殺身心障礙兒及家庭成員的靈魂.在社會資源支持上,雖然政府每年編列相關預算,但在執行成效上,仍有許多努力的空間,畢竟,家有身心障礙兒的需求是長期且多面的,況且還有許多是隱藏在社會角落,默默承受苦楚的.因此,如何讓社會資源可以適時的介入其中,應是全體國民共同關心的議題,如同有句話說,一個國家文明的進步指標,不在於外匯存底,武器科技的先進,而在於對弱勢族群的友善態度與照顧.希望,在不久的將來,身心障礙兒與家庭成員,可以很自在的在校園裡,在大街上,在社會生活中,不再感到有障礙.
2010年3月6日 星期六
2010年3月4日 星期四
2010年3月3日 星期三
Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -3
most of Luther's writings were responses to actual situations.(P.99)
Luther...,understanting of the Scripture..,particularly in...,the interrelationship between the letter and the spirit.(P.102)
Luther was the first who provided a theological basis for understanding "calling" in the sense of secular work.(P.120)