2.箭頭方向標示3W彼此間有著動態的,相互呼應的不能分割性 (將Word與With連接成圓形)
1.從路德的自我了解來看我的自我瞭解。God’s Word
路德在Anfechtungen (Tentatio)中深知人在罪中全然的絕望,無助.唯有在基督裡,領受神所賜的信心,面對Anfechtungen (Tentatio)時,深信此時此刻,神雖隱藏但沒有消失,甚至神成了路德的敵人,路德仍不感到驚訝,因為路德仍堅信在基督裡,神的良善,祂的慈愛永遠長存,永不改變.這樣的信心,幫助路德穿透壟罩在Anfechtungen (Tentatio)中的幽暗,如同雖身在黑暗的隧道中,但已看到隧道出口,遠處的亮光.
而Anfechtungen (Tentatio)對我來說,是敵人,還是朋友?如果我能夠十分肯定的回答一個問題--因信
2.從路德的事奉及貢獻的學習摘要與思考。God’s Work
b.處理經文要點時,要注意神說(dabar)並非只是聲音,其中更包括事件 Word—event.
c.讓會眾在聽道中,從上帝律法的定罪中,看見上帝的赦罪.把安全感建立在與上帝關係中的,因此, 縱然在十架受苦中,也深信上帝的愛.
B.從路德為崇拜改革者(Worship Reformer)的面向學習:
b.因信稱義對崇拜觀的影響:對上帝及恩典的新體認(在基督裡找到有憐憫的神,從God against us
到God for us, God in us, God with us).對信心的新詮釋(全然倚靠的一種態度,沒有人的功勞,坦然
a.憑甚麼神要聽我們的禱告! 因為祂是一位愛我們的父親,這是何等大的恩典.
b.關於與路德的禱告生活與路德所面臨的Anfechtungen (Tentatio)有這密切關係
c. Anfechtungen構成了信心的環境因素,無助是禱告的開始.
d.Anfechtungen (Tentatio)逼著我們面對無助無望,逼著我們回到那位for us的啟示的上帝,就是道
F.從路德為家庭領導者(Family Leader)的面向學習
3.從路德的自我了解及事奉來看今日的華人教會 God with us
後,如何讓基督徒從Because-of faith到in-spite-of (及或不然) faith.一種與神關係的穩固建立的信
D.在教牧關顧之方法論缺乏反省與自覺的困境:個人觀察在台灣教牧關顧主要兩個走向:一種是以西方心理學與信仰結合的方法,另一種是隨著風潮所引進的醫治釋放,醫病趕鬼,內在醫治的方法,來達到關顧的目的. 除了這兩者之外,是否還有以聖經為基礎,看中人與社群,與文化的適切性,以達醫治,支持,引導,和好目標的第三條路?個人覺得,若從路德的著作,書信中來探討路德的教牧觀,將會幫助我們對教牧關顧的方法論有敏銳的反省能力.
2011年1月26日 星期三
2011年1月22日 星期六
LW45:The Estate of Marriage閱讀
My purpose was only to enumerate those which a Christian can have for conducting his married life in a Christian way, so that, as Solomon says, he may find his wife in the sight of God and obtain favor from the Lord [Prov. 18:22]
We err in that we judge the work of God according to our own feelings, and regard not his will but our own desire. This is why we are unable to recognize his works and persist in making evil that which is good, and regarding as bitter that which is pleasant. Nothing is so bad, not even death itself, but what it becomes sweet and tolerable if only I know and am certain that it is pleasing to God. Then there follows immediately that of which Solomon speaks, “He obtains favor from the Lord” [Prov. 18:22].
God’s work and ordinance must and will be accepted and borne on the strength of God’s word and assurance.
My purpose was only to enumerate those which a Christian can have for conducting his married life in a Christian way, so that, as Solomon says, he may find his wife in the sight of God and obtain favor from the Lord [Prov. 18:22]
We err in that we judge the work of God according to our own feelings, and regard not his will but our own desire. This is why we are unable to recognize his works and persist in making evil that which is good, and regarding as bitter that which is pleasant. Nothing is so bad, not even death itself, but what it becomes sweet and tolerable if only I know and am certain that it is pleasing to God. Then there follows immediately that of which Solomon speaks, “He obtains favor from the Lord” [Prov. 18:22].
God’s work and ordinance must and will be accepted and borne on the strength of God’s word and assurance.
2011年1月18日 星期二
Fourteen Consolations- LW42 閱讀摘要
讀完路德的Fourten Consolations之後,覺得有些內容不錯,就把它摘錄下來,可以再想一想:
To everyone is given temptation according to a measure and never beyond his strength. It is written in Psalm 80 [:5], “You shall feed us with the bread of tears, and for our drink give us tears in full measure.” Paul says, “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, so that you may be able to bear it” [I Cor. 10:13]. Therefore, where there is greater evil, there is also more divine help and a way of escape, so that the inequality of suffering appears to be greater than it really is.
In reality, our sufferings are the beginning of our freedom as our death is the beginning of life. It is this which Christ says in John 8 [:51], “Whoever will keep my word shall never see death.” How shall he not see it? Because in his death he enters upon life, so that because of the life that he sees he is not able to see death. Here the night shines as the day [Ps. 139:12], since the dawning life is brighter than the waning death. This is assured not for the unbelievers, but for all who believe in Christ.
Christians certainly have the greatest blessings of all awaiting them in the future. However, these are attained only through sufferings and death.
Therefore, when we feel pain, when we suffer, when we die, let us turn to this, firmly believing and certain that it is not we alone, but Christ and the church who are in pain and are suffering and dying with us. Christ does not want us to be alone on the road of death, from which all men shrink. Indeed, we set out upon the road of suffering and death accompanied by the entire church. Actually, the church bears it more bravely than we do. Thus we can truthfully apply to ourselves the words Elisha spoke to his fearful servants, “Fear not, for those who are with us are more numerous than those with them. And Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord, open the eyes of the young man that he may see.’ And the Lord opened his eyes and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha” [II Kings 6:16–17].
All that remains for us now is to pray that our eyes, that is, the eyes of our faith, may be opened that we may see the church around us. Then there will be nothing for us to fear, as is also said in Psalm 125 [:2], “As mountains are round about it, so the Lord is round about his people, from this time forth and forever.” Amen.
To everyone is given temptation according to a measure and never beyond his strength. It is written in Psalm 80 [:5], “You shall feed us with the bread of tears, and for our drink give us tears in full measure.” Paul says, “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, so that you may be able to bear it” [I Cor. 10:13]. Therefore, where there is greater evil, there is also more divine help and a way of escape, so that the inequality of suffering appears to be greater than it really is.
In reality, our sufferings are the beginning of our freedom as our death is the beginning of life. It is this which Christ says in John 8 [:51], “Whoever will keep my word shall never see death.” How shall he not see it? Because in his death he enters upon life, so that because of the life that he sees he is not able to see death. Here the night shines as the day [Ps. 139:12], since the dawning life is brighter than the waning death. This is assured not for the unbelievers, but for all who believe in Christ.
Christians certainly have the greatest blessings of all awaiting them in the future. However, these are attained only through sufferings and death.
Therefore, when we feel pain, when we suffer, when we die, let us turn to this, firmly believing and certain that it is not we alone, but Christ and the church who are in pain and are suffering and dying with us. Christ does not want us to be alone on the road of death, from which all men shrink. Indeed, we set out upon the road of suffering and death accompanied by the entire church. Actually, the church bears it more bravely than we do. Thus we can truthfully apply to ourselves the words Elisha spoke to his fearful servants, “Fear not, for those who are with us are more numerous than those with them. And Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord, open the eyes of the young man that he may see.’ And the Lord opened his eyes and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha” [II Kings 6:16–17].
All that remains for us now is to pray that our eyes, that is, the eyes of our faith, may be opened that we may see the church around us. Then there will be nothing for us to fear, as is also said in Psalm 125 [:2], “As mountains are round about it, so the Lord is round about his people, from this time forth and forever.” Amen.
2011年1月15日 星期六
詩篇145:18 凡求告耶和華的 這個 凡 指的是誰呢?羅馬書10:14 人未曾信祂 怎能求祂呢?凡 所指的是指信靠耶和華的人 但人怎麼能信靠耶和華呢? 羅馬書10:17 信道是從聽道而來聽道是從基督的話來 換句話說 凡 所代表的 是一個聽了上帝的道 從上帝的道中所生發的信心 領受從基督而來的赦罪之恩的人
領受赦罪之恩的人 也是一個誠心求告上帝的人 誠心也有在真理的意思 在真理中 按著真實來求告上帝的人,上帝所賜應許是 上帝便要與他們相近 同在 代表上帝的保護 看顧不會離開那求告他的人 也許所面臨的磨難 困苦反而有增無減 但是從上帝的道中所生發的信心 仍然要繼續帶我們在真理裡求告上帝 領受恩典
2011年1月11日 星期二
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