2010年12月28日 星期二






2010年8月16日 星期一

Suffer, Faith, Comfort ~From Luther’s sermons on John 14:1-14

1.Luther how to think about “suffer” on John 14:1-14?
a.Everyone cannot avoid suffer (trial).

b.We need to distinguish in the heat of battle between the suggestions of Christ and those of the devil.

c.Anyone who wants to terrify and dishearten you is surely the devil’s messenger.

d.For whenever Christ frightens someone away from unbelief and a sinful life into penitence and conversion, it is of short duration.

2.Luther how to think about “faith” on John 14:1-14?
a.All our teaching and faith must revolve about Christ and be centered in this one Person.as St. Paul states, 1 Cor. 2:2.

b.By faith;this is a spiritual sight. For I do not recognize a Christian by his external appearance and mien,by the fact that he is baptized and has God’s Word.

c.On John 14:6 ,Luther think:“Hold to Christ in faith; thus you make the right beginning.With these words Christ wants to tear and turn our hearts from all trust in anything else and pin them to Himself alone.

d.Christ alone must be everything And though I experience many trials and much opposition on the part of the devil, the world, and my own conscience, and must suffer even death because of this, I will still take my stand here.

e.On John 14:13-14,Luther think: by telling His disciples to pray Christ wants to point out that of and among themselves they do not have the power to do such great things.They will experience weakness, all sorts of trouble.Then they will exercise their faith in Christ all the more by prayer and petition, and will experience His power in weakness and in suffering the more surely.St. Paul in 2 Cor. 12:9: “My power is made perfect in weakness.”

3. Luther how to think about “comfort” on John 14:1-14?
a.On John 14:1, Christ admonished and consoled for ours that we might also learn to apply this comfort to both present and future need .

b.Christ would comfort those whom the devil wants to frighten and dishearten, and, He would intimidate those whom the devil makes smug and presumptuous.What the devil ruins and destroys, Christ must build up and restore; and what the devil establishes, Christ destroys, as we read in 1 John 3:8: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”

c.Our three comforts are the dwelling places,Christ’s power,and Christ’s return.

d.Christians have the Gospel, Baptism, and the Sacrament,With these they also comfort, strengthen, and preserve poor consciences that are saddened and troubled by the devil and others

e.On John 14:12, “going to the Father” ,Christ means that He is to be made Lord and placed on the royal chair at the right hand of the Father,in Matt. 28:18 .“You will get the power to perform such works because you are My members and believe in Me;I shall enjoy at the right hand of the Father I will work in you who believe in Me and who have My Word, Baptism, and Sacrament, and remain faithful to these.

2010年7月22日 星期四

路德在“Anfechtung ”中尋獲福音對宗教改革的歷史意義


1513年,路德閱讀保羅書信並試著了解新約聖經關於上帝的能力和恩典的信息,從聖經當中所獲得福音信息,”上帝透過他自己的應許,讓路德從Anfechtung中看見得救的確據 .

1.在認識上帝的方法上的改變:從外在的確認轉變為內在的確信,在中世紀的教會認為,一個人的得救與否,是從外在的,看的見的行為工作來認定上帝的恩寵,而路德在“Anfechtung”中發現,唯有信靠上帝的應許才能超越苦難試煉,看見隱藏在不友善之外表後面慈父的心 。




2010年6月26日 星期六

Luther’s theology of the cross -Walther von Loewenich 3

The hidden life of the Christian is a reality but it is not perceived. …Sin and righteousness in the Christian are in the same relationship as reality and hope. His righteousness consists in God's imputation.(P.115)

Christ's suffering is still repeated daily in our lives…Therefore our sufferings are a work of the Holy Spirit.(P.118)

Through suffering we shall arrive at the Sabbath of the soul…suffering and Faith belong together is a characteristic of the theology of the cross…Sufferings are a sign of God's grace, proof that we are God's chil¬dren. For God's eyes are always directed toward the depth and nothing lofty can stand before him. But when a man is hidden in this depth he experiences God's wonderful, saving creative power…Of course, the suffering of the saints will come to an end only at the last day .But in contrast to the suffering of the ungodly, its purpose is not punishment and destruction but grace and cleansing.(P.119).

Christ's cross and the Christian's cross belong together…the cross is a school of understanding.(P.120)

Luther knew that the true meaning of Christ's suffering can be discovered only in the act of experiencing, acting, and suffering.(P.121)

The way of peace is the way of the cross. God himself is hidden under the cross, and therefore peace is to be found only under the cross and suffering.(P.124)

God himself reveals himself in concealment; and therefore Scripture, too, speaks in the cloak of a figure. The Word addresses itself to faith; and faith is directed to what is hidden.(P.128)

Three especially important marks of the life under the cross. They are humility, trial, prayer…For Luther humility becomes most intimately connected with faith. Faith teaches humility. For faith is denial of ourselves, total rejection of self and reliance on God’s grace.(P.129)

Luther notes that the Latin word humuitas has a twofold meaning, depending upon whether it is the translation of tapeinosis or tapeinophrosyne.(P.130)

The most severe trial comes upon a person when he believes he has been forsaken and rejected by God…. Faith alone is able, in trial, to hear "the deep, secret yea beneath and above the nay"(P.136)

We are in trials when that Word has been torn out of our heart. The trial is overcome when Christ again speaks to us, when we again hear the Word.(P.137)

"The flesh is beset by sundry trials and scruples, in order that (a) its smugness may be removed and (b) occasion may not be lacking for occupying oneself with the Word and (c) prayer.(P.138)

Trial teaches prayer, prayer overcomes trial…where there is no prayer, there is in reality no faith.(P.139)

prayer leads a person to know himself…True prayer is always a prayer with empty hands. The true praying man has nothing but God, and him only by faith…We must not look at our unworthiness but at Gods command and promise. For it is Gods word and promise alone that makes our prayer good and acceptable to God.(P.140)

"It is always the case that we understand our own work before it is done, but we do not understand the work of God until it has been done".…God often postpones granting our request in order to increase the zeal of our prayer. To the praying person God becomes hidden, so that faith in prayer penetrates from the hidden God to the re¬vealed God.(P.141)

the God of the theology of the cross is the God of historical revelation, he is always an acting God.(P.156)

Jesus himself is the model of humility. We must go the way of Jesus, for Jesus is the way of life. This way leads to cross and suffering... The cross is not seen, in the first instance, as God's way to man but as man’s way to God. (P.164)

In our investigation we have dealt with the fact of the theology of the cross, not with the question of its validity. If we wanted to pursue the latter, our study would be enlarged in two directions. First, we would have to undertake a thorough investigation of the New Testament(for example, also with regard to the relation¬ship of Paul to Jesus), and second, we would have to undertake a comprehensive systematic consideration that would mean nothing less than the setting up of dogmatic prolegomena. (P.167)

2010年6月16日 星期三

Luther’s theology of the cross -Walther von Loewenich 2

man can know God by natural powers; for the understanding is created in man together with his Higher nature. But here we must be careful. Man is by nature equipped with understanding, but his entire higher ability of the soul (understanding and will) has been seriously "weakened by original sin.(P.60)

the ability of the understanding to know the supersensory has been cor¬rupted. It can be restored only by grace.(P.60)

Understanding of the invisible is possible only where faith is. But faith points back to grace.(P.60)

Knowledge of the invisible depends on the knowledge of the person of Christ.(P.60)

faith is not a matter of appearances nor of things deduced from the apparent. Indeed, it is from heaven (P.61)

understanding and faith belong together
1.Faith along enables the understanding to comprehend the in¬visible.
2.Faith is at the same time the means to knowledge. The pur¬pose of faith is
3.The intellectual side of faith is also strongly emphasized…. Understanding and
faith are frequently used indiscriminately (P.61)

"wisdom was made in¬carnate and is thus hidden and unapproachable except by under-standing, just as Christ cannot be known except by revelation"(P.62)

the knowledge of the invisible is bound to the knowledge of Christ.(P.63)

Faith joints back to revelation…The concept of the understanding of faith belongs within the realm of the theology of the cross.(P.64)

Law and reason are both a human activity. But this activity wants to glory in itself in opposition to God's work.(P.72)

The Occamists arrive at theology by way of criti¬cal reflections on knowledge, while Luther becomes critical of the means of knowledge by way of theology.(P.74)

The way of the cross means the surrender of human glory and a plunge into foolishness. One who has caught something of the wisdom of the cross knows that reason is a "dangerous thing"(P.75)

Reason and law are the two foundation pillars which support the theology of glory….. Wisdom and righteousness stand together as the abilities that man believes are exempt from Gods judgment.(P.76)

The first step faith takes, (a step that must be taken again and again) is the negation of our¬selves, the thoroughgoing demolition of all our own glory(P.78)

We must become nothing to the same degree as we were nothing before creation. This is Luther s "short way," that is, the way of the cross. There is no other way out for us but to live "in the bare confidence in his mercy".If we wanted to appeal to anything of value in ourselves, we would thereby make the hopeless attempt of wanting to steal a march on God. But we are to know or have nothing but God alone, "and in no other way than in faith". For that matter, what could we have in ourselves for which we could take any credit? There is "no form or beauty in us, but our life is hidden in God (P.78)

Faith and hope almost become synony¬mous…. For only faith deals not with visible things but with the Word…faith draws the believer away from all that is visible; as the assurance of things hoped for it directs him to eternal things, which are, however, not present but future…. True knowledge is therefore to be found where one knows that he knows nothing .One must be zealous for God "in pious ignorance and mental darkness," "without under¬standing, without feeling, without thinking". one must wait upon God's activity.(P.80)

Psalm l02:But to wake is to hold fast and to look to, and long for, the eternal good. But in this he is alone, and no one is with him; for all the others are sleeping. And he says, "on the housetop" as if he meant: The world is a house in which all men are enclosed and are sleeping. I alone am outside the house, on the roof, not yet in heaven and still not in the world. The world is below me and heaven is above me. I hover between the life of the world and eternal life, lonely in the faith…. Luther's Operationes in psalmos of 1519 to 1521 is an inexhaustible gold mine for his view of faith…He is doing theology in the face of death…it is a great miracle that man who feels nothing but his God-forsakenness may still believe in the gracious God. But faith lives in this miracle. for the "words of faith fight against appearance" (P.82)

Faith unites the soul with the invisible, ineffable, unutterable, eternal, unthinkable Word of God, while at the same time it separates it from all visible things. This is the cross and the Passover of the Lord, in which He preaches this necessary comprehension…. Having entered into darkness and blackness I see nothing; I live by faith, hope, and love alone and I am weak, that is, I suffer, for when I am I weak, then I am strong.(P.83)

The entrance into darkness that the theology of the cross has in mind means to be drawn into the event revealed to us in the cross of Christ. Thus it is not self-chosen activity, but it comes upon us as God's activity in us. It is not slanted toward timelessness but is oriented to a history. It is certainly not a theology of glory but a theology of the cross.(P.84)

Luther reports this himself in his commentary on Galatians of 1519 While faith was identical with hope earlier, he now sees its essence in faithfulness to God's promise.(P.85)

In this tabernacle we have a figure of the Christian man. His spirit is the holy of holies, where God dwells in the darkness of faith, where no light is; for he believes that which he neither sees nor feels nor comprehends. His soul is the holy place, with its seven lamps, that is, all manner of reason, discrimination, knowledge, and understanding of visible and bodily things. His body is the forecourt, open to all, so that men may see his works and manner of life.(P.86)

Thus our eyes are closed to worldly and visible things and direct their hope to eternal and invisible things; grace does all this through the cross into which the divine life, which is insupportable to the world, brings us"……To entrust oneself with closed eyes to the guidance of God on an unknown path, this is what it means to believe …. Faith, does not want to encroach on God's activity. (P.87)

the idea of the hidden God is intelligible only on the basis of the concept of faith. Both together constitute the foundation pillars of the theology of the cross.(P.92)

The faith that carries through in experience is love.(P.94)

In his sermon on John 4:46ff.(1516), Luther distinguishes three degrees of faith .the inchoate, the progressing, and the perfect. The first is faith directed to signs and wonders, the second is deprived of these props and directed only to the Word, and the third, the perfect faith, is no longer dependent on the external Word but is a constant inner readiness to do God's will…and the faith of the highest grade, which is fixed on the hidden God and is able to grasp God's proper work in the alien work.. The highest and most difficult of faith is when God In his activity not only delays but even conceals it under the opposite appearance.(P.96)

Since faith has a specific content, that content becomes my possession. And as faith is seen in the sense of hope, this possession will also be a possession of future blessings.(P.97)

Faith itself is a work and a power of God and therefore never a psychological given. Ultimately its subject is not man at all, but God himself(P.98)

Thus faith goes out into works and through works comes back to itself again, just as the sun goes forth to its setting and comes again at its rising. This is why the Scriptures associate the daytime with peaceful living in doing works, the right with a life of suffering and adversity. And so faith lives and works in both; it goes out and returns in both"….Experience flows from faith and flows back into faith. (P.99)

Christ is not only the principal object of faith but also the ground for making it possible… .Christ is also the entelechy of faith… .Without Christ faith cannot become what it should be in line with its object. Therefore "Christ and faith belong together….with faith the presence of Christ himself is posited. "Christ is the object of faith, or rather not the object but, so to speak, the One who is present in the faith itself.(P.104)

Because through faith Christ dwells in him, and pours His grace into him, through which it comes about that a man is governed, not by his own spirit but by Christ"…By faith we become "as one person" with Christ.(P.104)

Experience is called the school of the Holy Spirit. The experience of faith is a work of the Holy Spirit. He has been the teacher wherever we have experienced something of Gods good¬ness and love, wherever a holy joy has filled our hearts.(P.109)

2010年5月29日 星期六

Luther’s theology of the cross -Walther von Loewenich 1

The theologian of the cross has knowledge only through suffering and the cross. "God can be found only in suffering and the cross"…For Luther the cross of Christ and the cross of the Christian belong together…in the cross of Christ the relationship between God and man has become evident…To know God "through suffering and cross" means that the knowledge of God comes into being at the cross of Christ, the significance of "which becomes evident only to one who himself stands in cross and suffering.(P.20)

Luther's concept of a theology of the cross. Five aspects emerged as essential.
1.The theology of the cross as a theology of revelation, stands in sharp antithesis to speculation.
2.God's revelation is an indirect, concealed revelation.
3.Hence God's revelation is recognized not in works but in suffering, and the double meaning of these terms is to be noted.
4.This knowledge of God who is hidden in his revelation is a matter of faith.
5.The manner in which God is known is reflected in the prac¬tical thought of suffering.(P.22)

the Bible, too, remains a closed, book, for the cross of Christ is the only key… The cross of Christ is the fountain from which the understanding of Scripture is drawn.(P.23)

God's help remains invisible to man who con¬siders himself most forsaken by God when God's help is nearest.(P.29)

the hidden God is the God whose nature and work can only be recognized "under the opposite form."…God is hidden for the sake of revelation. Revelation is possible only in concealment, the revealed God must as such be hidden…In a sermon of 24 February 1517, the following explanation for the necessity oF God’s concealment is offered: "Man hides his own things in order to deny them, God hides his own things in order to reveal them. ... By his concealment he does nothing else than remove that which obstructs revelation, namely, pride"(P.30)

God confronts us first of all in his word. In his word he is "known to us" and "has dealings with us." In it he has offered himself to us. We are direct¬ed to Gods revelation in the word. God himself could not be grasped by us but would crush and annihilate us in his majesty, for he is a consuming fire. For that reason God wraps himself in his word. He becomes the "clothed" God. With him alone can we have any dealings. God must conceal himself in the word in order to be able to reveal himself. The revealed God is the clothed God.(P.33)

God has indeed revealed himself in his word, but God is greater than his word. God has not confined himself within the limits of the word…we must distinguish between "the word of God and God himself(P.34)

He is not only a hidden God, but a God who has concealed himself…Luther advises us to pay attention to the word, that is, the revealed God, and leave the secrets of the hidden God alone.(P.35)

God cannot be comprehended without a covering.Such coverings are "word" and "works"…God is concealed under the cloak of the word is the other thought that he is hidden in his works. Word and works were mentioned as the two coverings that God uses.(P.39)

Luther can still insist that the "back parts" are basically God's true counte¬nance.(P.41)

This twofold knowledge corresponds to the double relationship in which God stands toward the world—as its creator and its redeemer.(P.46)

The hid¬den God is God in his creator-relationship, while the revealed God is God as the redeemer. The hidden God is God "apart from Christ," while the revealed God is God "in Christ." Concretely stated, with reference to sinful mankind, this means distinguishing between the God of wrath and the God of grace.(P.46)

後記:17-49頁路德在創世紀與以賽亞書講義發展The Hidden God以及路德在The Bondage of the will與依拉斯母對以西結書18:23不同見解的論辯.

2010年5月22日 星期六

Luther's Theology of the cross-5

God assaults man in order to break him down and thus to justify him.(P.151)

by experiencing the delicious despair of Anfechtung, the sinner learns to trust only in God, as known in the cross of Christ, and thus comes to be justified. As Luther remarks, Anfechtung,in so far as it takes everything away from us, leaves us nothing but God: it cannot take God away from us, and actually brings him closer to us.(P.152)

The opus alienum is the destruction of human preconceptions of divine justice, wisdom and strength; the opus proprium is the establishment of the righteousness, the wisdom and the power of God within man in their place.Before God can build, he must first destroy.(P.156)

the 'righteousness of God' really is revealed in the cross of Christ, but it can only be discerned by the eye of faith.(P.158)

In the one unitary event of revelation in the cross, God's wrath and mercy are revealed simultaneously — but only Faith is able to recognise the opus proprium as it lies hidden under the opus alienum; only faith discerns the merciful intention which underlies the revealed wrath; only faith perceives the real situation which underlies the apparent situation.(P.165)

In a sermon delivered on 24 February 1517, Luther remarked: 'Man hides his own things, in order to conceal them; God hides his own things, in order to reveal them.... his opus proprium under his opus alienum; the future glory of the Christian under his present sufferings.(P.167)

In a remarkable sermon, delivered on 30 November 1516, Luther points to the crucifixion as a paradigm for the relation between faith and sense-perception: just as Christ was raised up from the ground upon the cross, so that his feet did not rest upon the earth, so the faith of the Christian is denied any foothold in experience.(P.168)

Christian life is characterised by the unending tension between faith and experience.(P.169)

the theologian of the cross recognises the presence and activity of the 'crucified and hidden God'... who is not merely present in human suffering, but actively works through it.(P.175)

The 'crucified and hidden God’ is the God whose strength lies hidden behind apparent weakness, and whose wisdom lies hidden behind apparent folly. The theology of the cross is thus a theology of hope for those who despair, then as now, of the seeming weakness and foolishness of the Christian church.(P.181)

It is not we who can sustain the church, nor was it those who came before us, nor will it be those who come after us. It was, and is, and will be, the one who says: 'I am with you always, even to the end of time.' As it says in Hebrews 13: 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and for ever.' And in Revelation 1: ' Who was, and is, and is to come.' Truly he is that one, and no one else is, or ever can be.(P.181)

後記:歷經40多天,終於把麥葛福的Luther's Theology of the cross這本書給看完,其中算是一種突破與收穫,是對於拉丁文單字的學習瞭解,讓我更清晰瞭解作者對於路德神學思想所要強調的重點是什麼,當然,在書中也提到不同時代的人物,面對不同處境時,對路德十架神學思想的回應,包括被人所熟悉的Jürgen Moltmann.

2010年5月8日 星期六

Luther's Theology of the cross-4

Luther's discovery of the true meaning of iustita Dei....,Luther's discovery of the righteousness of God is but one step in the process leading to the theology of the cross.(P.99)

what is meant by iustitia itself?(P.100)

The most appropriate designation of the Hebrew terms sdq or sdqh is that of iustitia salutifera: God, in his righteousness, acts to redeem and sustain his people.(P.101)

God is righteous, in that he is faithful to his promises, irrespective of the merit of those to whom the promise is made.(P.102)

2010年4月23日 星期五

Luther's Theology of the cross-3

The Christian...is a spiritual beggar, who can do nothing except cry out for the salvation which is his in Christ.(P.91)

during Luther's exegesis of the Psalter- that of iustitia Dei, "the righteousness of God".The origins of the theology of the cross lie in Luther's initial difficulty in seeing how the idea of a righteous God could conceivable be good news for sinful man.(P.92)

後記:截至目前為止,讀Luther's Theology of the cross讓我感到吃力的地方,是作者在本書裡面,引用了許多第三語言,諸如Iudiciun,Dictata,caritas,dilectio.Quadriga,pactum,而對於相關詞彙解釋的中文資料,更是遍尋不著,看起來要了解Luther's Theology of the cross的內容,還得加把勁了!

2010年4月17日 星期六

Luther's Theology of the cross-2

three particularly significant elements of later medieval thought..studia humanitatis..via moderna..schola Augustiniana moderna(P.27)

By the time of the Leipzig disputation of 1519,..between Luther and the humanist movement...1.their mutual rejection of scholasticism..2.their mutual desire to return to the early father of the church..3.their mutual desire to return to Holy Scripture..4.their mutual interest in rhetoric.(P.50-51)




2010年4月10日 星期六

Luther's Theology of the cross-1

尋找閱讀台灣,新加坡,美國華人教會及香港關於馬丁路德十架神學的中文論述過程中,發現大部份都曾引述或引用過麥葛福之Luther's Theology of the cross的內容,引發我想要完整讀這本書的動機,並寫下摘要:
The crucified God is not merely the foundation of the Christian faith, but is also the key to a proper understanding of the nature of God.(本書前言)

what man must do if he is to saved?(P.9)

How can a sinner enter into fellowship with a holy and righteous God? How can the troubled conscience find peace by discovering a gracious God?(p.12)

For Luther, Jesus Christ is the righteousness of God, revealing at one and the same time God's condemnation of sin and remedy for it. Through the creative power of the Holy Spirit and the hearing of the Word of the gospel, the sinner shares in the divine righteousness through faith.(P.21)

2010年3月30日 星期二

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -7

In reading Luther, Ranke gave special attention to Luther's interpretation of Psalm 101 (1534/35). In this interpretation of the psalm, Luther developed his own theological view of history.(P.218)

Harnack was the first to demonstrate the meaning of this concept, which was so central to The Bondage of the Will.(P.221)

Holl was the first to combine historical and systematic perspectives in his study of Luther.(P.224)

We experience both this absolute demand and our own inadequacy in our conscience. This is the place where we meet God. This experience of God's ethical demand and our own failure to meet that demand is the basis on which we experience the judging and the gracious God.(P.225)

2010年3月21日 星期日




2010年3月20日 星期六

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -6

Luther did not see creation as a finished act but rather as an ongoing event. Luther understood creation as a present reality.(P.172)

any study of Luther's doctrine must take into account the development of his viewpoints.(P.190)

God is revealed through self-veiling..,we need faith to recognize God's revelation as it is concealed in the events of history.(P.194)

The category of "hiddenness" is thus extraordinarily important, both in Luther's theology of the cross and in his view of history. God creates life by putting us to death. When judging us, God is being gracious to us.(P.196)

Revelation and hiddenness are available only as a dialectical unity. Only in Jesus Christ do we encounter God as our savior.(P.196)

history ultimately summons everyone to believe. We are repeatedly tested as to whether we really want to hear God's Word or not,,.Each person therefore, is summoned to meet the spiritual temptations that come to us through our experience of history with firm trust in God.(P.197)..,Until the very end, the devil will never give up struggling against the light..,For after all..,it was, is, and will be he who says,"I am with you always, to the close of the age".(P.198)

2010年3月13日 星期六

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -5

for Luther, the righteousness received in faith was not only the forgiveness of sins but also the beginning of God's process of making us righteous.(P.150)

"Take Christ out of the Scripture, and what will you find left in them?" This led Luther directly to the conclusion that Scripture interprets itself.(P.156)

The distinction between law and gospel is one of the most important themes in Luther's theology.(P.158)

Luther thought of God as always active...,God acts in a hidden way,,,.It teaches us to rely on God.(P.168)

The wrath of God is,,,.the power of God at work in life..,We need to flee from this wrath to the love of God..in Christ. God's revelation in Jesus Christ breaks through the power of God's wrath.(P.171)

2010年3月10日 星期三





2010年3月9日 星期二

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -4

A Christian person is a free lord of everything and subject to no one. A Christian person is a ready servant of everything and subject to everyone.(P.130)

The category "spirit"..,refer to the way in which God is hidden fromus..,the category of the "letter" refers both to human autonomy and to the wrath of God..,the spirit is hidden in the letter.(P.146)

you will not change me into what you are , but you will be changed into what I am. (P.147)思想:Scripture change the reader or reader change Scripture.

God's grace is always present as the hidden reality under his judgment.(P.147)

we are sinful,,.because we are self-centered and seek our own welfare. this is most true when we seek to become right with God by doing good works rather than trusting in God.(P.147)

2010年3月8日 星期一

卡片寫4天 腦麻兒打動總統夫人~令人動容的報導背後

一則標題為~卡片寫4天 腦麻兒打動總統夫人~的報導背後,隱藏了許多家有身心障礙兒,不為人知的心路歷程,也凸顯出社會對於身心障礙者仍存在著許多不友善的地方,在價值觀念上,不時的以異樣眼光對待,看不見其個別獨特的生命價值,更甚者,以所謂前世今生的因果關係來鞭打,刺殺身心障礙兒及家庭成員的靈魂.在社會資源支持上,雖然政府每年編列相關預算,但在執行成效上,仍有許多努力的空間,畢竟,家有身心障礙兒的需求是長期且多面的,況且還有許多是隱藏在社會角落,默默承受苦楚的.因此,如何讓社會資源可以適時的介入其中,應是全體國民共同關心的議題,如同有句話說,一個國家文明的進步指標,不在於外匯存底,武器科技的先進,而在於對弱勢族群的友善態度與照顧.希望,在不久的將來,身心障礙兒與家庭成員,可以很自在的在校園裡,在大街上,在社會生活中,不再感到有障礙.

2010年3月6日 星期六




2010年3月4日 星期四




2010年3月3日 星期三

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -3

Luther came to his clearest insights about the meaning of the Bible when he was using it in controversy. For example, Luther developed his distinction between the hidden and the revealed God in responding to Erasmus's attack.(P.98)

most of Luther's writings were responses to actual situations.(P.99)

Luther...,understanting of the Scripture..,particularly in...,the interrelationship between the letter and the spirit.(P.102)

Luther was the first who provided a theological basis for understanding "calling" in the sense of secular work.(P.120)


2010年2月27日 星期六







@O logo" gar oJtou'staurou'toi" men apollumenoi" mwria estin, toi" de;swzomenoi" hmin dunami" qeou' estin.


Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -2

For religion not exist in a vacuum, but is constantly involved with question of real life.(P.40)

For Luther, the Bible was not only the most important source of teaching and preaching but also the means through which God still makes the word of judgment and of grace heard in our world.(P.41)

Luther..,asserted that people are free only in relationship to those things that are under them but not in relationship to those that are above them.(P.66)

When we try to understand Luther, we must try to remain open for the enormous variety of his personality and not exclude any particular area.(P.91)

the proclamation of the gospel...,God reveals his heart to people and the same time gives us power to believe.(P.96)







神用祂的道成就了兩件截然不同的事,opus alienum和opus proprium...,律法就是神在控訴和審判,福音則是神在赦免和施恩典(P.132,137)




2010年2月19日 星期五

Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work -1

翻開Martin Luther-An Introduction to His Life and Work的內頁,上面寫著這本書是2003年所購買,讀了幾頁之後,便放在書架上,直到去年才有機會再次拿起來閱讀,前後大約花了3個月的時間,終於從頭到尾把它讀完,由於是英文書,許多地方看過之後,雖然查了生字,但還是沒有把握是否真懂作者的意思,也沒有中譯本可以對照,所以帶著溫故知新的想法,今年,再次從頭閱讀,並試著寫下摘要.

Anyone who wants to understand Luther must therefore come to terms with the substance of his preaching and teaching.(P.18)

His theological insights were always of existential significance for his own personal life.(P.19)

Anyone attempting to write a biography of Luther must do more than carefully describe the details of his life in the context of the political and cultural history of the time.(P.20)

Luther's spiritual temptations(Anfechtung) focus on the question of the worthiness of people before God,that is, on the question, How can I find a merciful God?(P.23)

2010年2月15日 星期一







在路德的觀念中,信心從頭至尾都是上帝的恩賜,完全是上帝在人身上的工作,<唯獨信心>(sola fide),全然排除人的努力與功勞,確定是基於<唯獨恩典>(sola gratia)...,唯有藉著信心,人才會讓上帝作上帝(P.138)






2010年2月8日 星期一




對路德而言,上帝親自把十字架帶入基督徒的生活中,為了做祂奇異的工作(opus alienum),目的是完成其獨特的工作(opus proprium).(P.77);所謂奇異的工作是聽見律法,藉以引領人看見自己的罪並認罪(拔出,拆毀),而獨特的工作是藉著信心投身在耶穌基督福音的恩典(建立,栽植).對自己全然失望,於是全然投靠上帝的憐憫(P.78,96,116-117)






2010年2月5日 星期五




hidden under the contrary 是路德常用的片語,強調上帝的真理往往隱藏在相反的情況下,這觀念也是支持路德一生奮鬥的重要原則.(P.42)


A man becomes a theologian by living, dying and being damned, not by understanding, reading and speculating (這句話特別是針對經院哲學及神祕主義此二派別而發)(P.23,45)



2010年1月30日 星期六



"歷史是無數的朝聖者,從淚谷步行至天上耶路撒冷的旅程"(Dr schedel)(P.14)














2010年1月20日 星期三


